by | Aug 3, 2021 | Community
It seems like we are seeing more foxes than ever in Dedham and surrounding areas these days. In the warmer months, it is common to see mother foxes scurrying around to gather food for their pups or pups exploring outside their den for the first time. We often get...
by | Jan 23, 2020 | Community
Before the busy holiday season this year, Dedham Veterinary Associates asked our clients to clean out their linen closets and find blankets that could be donated to a needy animal at the Animal Rescue League of Dedham. Wow! Our clients delivered. Not only did we...
by | Oct 30, 2019 | Community
The team at Dedham Veterinary Associates had so much fun participating in the annual Trunk or Treat at Dedham Town Hall on Saturday, October 26th, 2019. It was a beautiful afternoon and this event had a huge community attendance. Tiffany and Lauren decided to dress as...